Secondary UX Research: REA User Interviews

UX Research: Real Estate Agent Workflows


Project Summary:

Seeking to understand Real Estate Agent (REA) workflows and outreach preferences, I spoke with the teams at New American Funding who work directly with and serve REAs as a form of secondary research.

Although budget constraints make incentivizing participation more challenging, we chose to combat that challenge through creating a infographic to educate potential research participants about the different UX research methods we use and the level of involvement expected from them.

Through educating potential participants and colleagues alike, we aim to increase UX Research involvement over time.

Role: UX Researcher

Software Used: Notion (Report Documentation), Microsoft Teams (Video Conferencing Software)

Client: Zigzy

Duration: March 2021 - April 2021 I 2 months

1. Research and Brainstorming


  • The Zigzy UX Research team aims to better understand the Real Estate Agent workflow, pain points, and opportunities to improve the solution and products aimed at serving Real Estate Agents.

Research Goals

  • Taking insights from RE Home Connect and New American Funding Relationship Managers, complete the following:

    • Increase cross-departmental collaboration and knowledge about Real Estate Agent pain points and opportunities.

    • Create an informative visual solution to increase understanding of UX Research activities for both internal and external use.

    • Develop an informed strategy for future UX Outreach to Real Estate Agents.


2. Methodology

  • I spoke with each of the following user groups virtually via Microsoft Teams in 30 minute informational interviews.

  • I prepared a list of interview questions relevant to both the specific team as well as Real Estate Agents.

  • After interviewing members from the groups below, I synthesized the data into our Notion Research Repository, sharing findings for all members of the Zigzy Organization.

  • Then I took insights to create an educational infographic in order to make collaboration on recruiting UX Research participants easier for teams that are willing to collaborate.

User Groups

  1. RE Home Connect Leader

    • Connection to REA: The RE Home Connect Team develops a network of select Real Estate Agents from a variety of brokerages, offering REAs a leads to pre-approved homebuyers who are working with New American Funding, making sure that the working relationship fosters good communication and serves the needs for all parties: potential homebuyer, NAF Loan Officer, and Real Estate Agent.

  2. New American Funding Relationship Manager

    • Connection to REA: The NAF Relationship Manager works as a connection between Real Estate Agents and NAF Loan Officers, making sure that the working relationship fosters good communication and the loan transaction will increase the likelihood of working together in the future.

  3. Zigzy Product Manager

    • Connection to REA: In developing products for Real Estate Agents and other members of the homebuying process, Zigzy Product Managers have researched .

3. Research Findings

  • Open to Collaboration:

    • There are multiple groups that work with Real Estate Agents: NAF Relationship Managers, Zigzy Customer Success Team, Product Marketing Managers, RE Home Connect, Product Managers, and User Experience Designers.

  • All mentioned parties shared that they would be willing to cooperate with Zigzy UX Research to reach out and connect with Real Estate Agents for UX Research Initiatives regarding the REA’s User Experience.

    • Providing Relationship Managers and RE Home Connect with a resource to quickly and easily explain to REAs what involvement in Zigzy UX Research looks like is a way to unify the groups around a common goal.

  • Real Estate Agent Insights:

    • Real Estate Agents are highly productive, busy individuals who value their time highly, so fair incentives to participate in UX Research are required.

    • Having multiple ways to communicate with REAs is key to increasing engagement and response rates: some REAs prefer texting over calls, and many REAs’ email inboxes are very full, making email a less effective form of communication.

4. Deliverable: Outreach Materials

Following up on the insights gleaned from the informational interviews, I collaborated to develop a set of Outreach Materials to streamline the outreach process.


  • In preparation for UX Research Outreach, we created this simple infographic to anticipate questions from Zigzy departments and potential research participants


I worked with the following individuals to create the outreach materials shown.

  • Chrisonna Ny, Graphic Designer

  • Jose Cuevas, Client Connections Manager I

  • Kasey Willey, Client Connections Manager I

My Role

I provided the content and took feedback from the above individuals to create a helpful set of materials aimed at increasing future UX research involvement not only from Real Estate Agents, but for multiple user groups as well.

Final Outreach Materials

  • Email template with embedded graphics to increase interest and possible engagement.

  • Infographic that explains UX Research methods for the potential participant.

  • Social Media strategy to understand REA preferred incentives.

Graphic Design created by Chrisonna Ny in collaboration with Megan Work (myself), Jose Cuevas, and Kasey Willey.

Graphic Design created by Chrisonna Ny in collaboration with Megan Work (myself), Jose Cuevas, and Kasey Willey.

5. Retrospective

What went well?

I learned how multiple teams interact with an end-user group, identifying ways to collaborate cross-departmentally to serve our common end-user.

Skills: Informational Interview, Qualitative Analysis

Process: Learning through experience, accepting and implementing feedback

Solution: Continue learning more about the industry to identify more collaboration opportunities

Through learning more about the home-buying industry as well as the multiple departments who interact with our end-users at different stages, I am able to have a more robust

What didn’t go well?

Compiling the wealth of information gleaned during the informational interviews took time away from concurrent projects, so completing the report took longer than anticipated.

Skills: Timing, Data Analysis

Process: Learning through experience

Solution: Allowing time to update report throughout the process, rather than a major update at the end

With multiple projects occurring at once, finding time to process information on reports on designated “report update” days, will allow me to process information more efficiently.

What can be improved?

I still have a lot to learn about the home-buying industry and in the connections between Zigzy and NAF departments.

Skills: Qualitative Research and Analysis

Process: Learning through experience

Solution: Continue to research and speak with multiple departments outside of my own

The company culture at Zigzy is open to questions and continual learning, so outreach to other departments for insights is encouraged! I can easily collaborate with my fellow departments to make progress on the common goal of serving our end-users.